Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What was Oregon thinking?

        I stayed up on Monday to watch a pathetic excuse for a supposed national championship game, played between Cam $200,000 Newton and the Oregon cheerleading squad (which I might add is ridiculously hot).

(meet the squad wish I was getting recruited)
Forgoing sleep to stay up til Midnight may or may not be in the top ten regrets of my life.  Oregon has had great results this year with the spread offense which I will give them all the credit in the world for.
        But WTF were they thinking you cannot read a fucking Defensive Tackle, especially on the Goal Line especially if his name is Nick Fairley.

(Meet Nick)
Oregon has a unique offensive system in which they tend to read the Defensive Ends to see if they are crashing or if  they are staying home. If they Crash then the QB takes the Ball and runs to the outside if they stay home the QB gives.  This is a concept that works well when you have more speed, then your opponent and you are reading him for OUTSIDE runs. 
        Here is the thought process that the coach's went through. Nick Fairely is the best Auburn player so lets see if we can read him.  Well here is where the problems started. First he's a Defensive Tackle which means he's on the inside of  In practice for 37 Days they probably but some donk Dlineman in there that wasn't allowed to hit the quarterback.  So when they let him run free the read was easy the QB didn't have to worry about getting planted additionally, the lineman didn't posses the speed and vision that Nick does, so in practice everything worked okay and they thought they had something special.
           Well game time comes about and Nick is meaner, faster and with better vision and understanding than Oregon anticipated so now on runs were they are suppose to read Fairley he is right in their face giving them a variety of looks, he was so fast and could turn his shoulders so quickly that it looked like he was going for the runnning back instead he massacred the QB on the goaline. 
           Well wait a second......maybe the Spread Running offensive with all its lateral X's and O's is horrible on the goaline in general. What Oregon needed was a power goaline game to punch it in, as well as get it out of the endzone (the safety).  The Oregon spread offense is a cool looking offense with their cards of Erin Andrews, Battleships and assorted Lego pieces which everyone seems to love, but near the goaline you need to posses a power game that will solidify your game. TCU would have done better btw.


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