Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pharmaceutical commercials

Okay people... got a problem that we need to address.  We believe in freedom in this country a great and novel idea.  However their are some limitations that we put on this freedom which I agree with you can't go streaking through the park on a whim. You can't get a firearm if your a convicted felon. You do steroids to increase your academic performance(unless your making your owner a ton of money). Well we need to add one to the list. There is no way in hell that Pharmaceutical companies should ever...ever....ever be allowed to make commercials.

    I am already positive that 99.9% of Americans agree with idea but I'll continue anyway and break it down:
1.   We are one of two countries in the world that allow this along with New Zealand (not exactly the best company)

          2. Pharmaceutical companies spend tens of billions of dollars advertising drugs. Which you may say is within their right, which is true however this increases the drugs cost. So you think no big deal I got insurance well guess what. The cost rises to your employer and they up and get rid of health insurance, or they go to the absolute horrible plan.

           3. Your not a fucking doctor you never went to medical school you have no idea what this drugs do, or if they even fucking work, for your condition.

            4. Doctors are now pressured to recommend certain drugs from both the companies and the patients, a good doctor will tell you frankly what the deal is, a bad one will give you everything you want to keep your uninformed dumb ass happy.

           5. Have you actually seen the advertisements they are horrible.  They have some old ass guy talking about talking about sexual interaction (I think we all know, have a supermodel try to sell it to me might work better)
           6. Side effects have you heard some of the symptoms Vomiting, headaches cramps, mood swings, gambling urges(no bullshit this is one, it might be fun), erections that last longer than four hours (sweet), and my favorite gas with oily discharge (who was the guy that came up with that one very professional medical lingo)

           7.  Now companies spend more time making us drugs that prevent baldness, give us bonners, etc. instead of developing shit that could save our life one day.


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