Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can We Talk About: Firing the Coach Who Wins By Too Much

There is a psychological epidemic sweeping sports throughout this country, and it is permanently damaging the psyche of our youth:  Coaches, teams and players who are getting in hot water for winning by too much.

There was a high school coach in Texas who was canned after his girls basketball team beat a team 100-0.  It caused a nationwide firestorm and turned news anchors (I know more about theoretical physics than they do about sports) into armchair coaches.  "Shameful", "Disgraceful" and "Unsportsmanlike" the winning team was called.  The media reported that the girls on the losing team were severely depressed, and were suffering socially from the loss

Yates high school in Texas is well known for winning by large margins.  A coach of a losing team even tried to incite violence against the victors, saying "They better be careful doing that...these kids are from the rough part of town."  So what?  I can't whoop your ass because your thugs don't like to lose?  

This has a personal tinge to it because I have personally been accused of "running up the score" in a football game.  I will spare you the details, but rest assured, if I had wanted to score 100 points in the game, I could have.  I scored 46 instead, but even that wasn't good enough.  I took heat for not pulling my starters early enough, for calling **gasp** an option play with my scrubs against their starters (and scoring).  Am I really supposed to tell a player who busts his ass for me day in and day out to just play dead on the field?

People who get beat badly and then cry "sportsmanship" should not be involved in team sports.  Period.  Go be a golf coach if you want sportsmanship. 

What happened to teaching kids who to compete the entire game?  That winning big (and losing big) are parts of life?  That preparing hard and playing hard are things that you HAVE TO DO in order to win.  You don't practice hard+ you don't play hard +your coach doesn't coach hard = you get your ass whooped.  If the losing girls on the court were out to play for fun, they should have just played intramurals.  Not all athletic activities are meant to be competitive.  The Special Olympics aren't supposed to be competitive.  The Olympics are. 

The person who should have been fired over the 100-0 game should have been the losing coach and the losing teams Athletic Director (AD).

Why?  The losing coach obviously wasn't doing his job.  I could send a sorry high school basketball team out against UConn...and they wouldn't lose 100-0.  Maybe 98-25, but not 100-0.  They would find a way to score some points, and keep the ball away from the other team.  It's not that hard.  And if I really thought we could possibly lose that bad?  I would forfeit the game.  Honestly, I would.  To prevent things like this from happening.

Making the losers the heroes...the pitiful state of society
Lets take another angle on this: Let us say for a minute that the girls in the game were playing their hearts out and and the coach was coaching his ass off (which didn't happen in this case).  However, they were so over matched that it would have been more competitive to put a 8 year old in the ring against Mike Tyson.  Then what needs to happen is that the AD (the guy who scheduled the game) should be fired.  I would not ever put my high school football team up against the LSU Tigers.  Why?  We might get beat 100-0, and I would not put my players (who I care about) in that situation. 

The coach who was fired was right to be unapologetic.  His girls played the game the way it was meant to be played.  Hard.  Fast.  Until every whistle and the final buzzer.  Apparently, teaching those values that we all grew up with now will cost a coach his job.  

Bring on the hate mail


Monday, January 24, 2011

Fans Really Don't Give a Shit About Player Safety

Weekend Winner: Jay Cutler, Safety Last
Was Cutler Hurt or Injured

I did not write this article!  But it was too damn good to not re-post!

All the furor over Jay Cutler spending the second half on the bench is proof positive that the battle for player safety is an uphill one, and won't be solved with posters and PSAs.

It began almost immediately after Cutler, who had been seen favoring his knee, and was completely ineffective, was benched for Todd Collins. Fans, who will call in sick tomorrow from work with a fever of 99.2, made Cutler the new Bartman. Media members who have never played football in their lives, solemnly proclaimed that you can't stay out of the game if you're still able to stand. And players, other professional football players, accused Cutler of "giving up" and not "gutting it out."

Let's be clear here: we're not debating Jay Cutler's toughness. What really matters is that his sitting out was considered almost universally a measure of his toughness, and that perceived lack of toughness is a bad thing.
At that moment, when Todd Collins lined up behind center, we didn't know a thing about Cutler's condition. Not a damn thing. (Parenthetically, sideline reporters are the most useless convention in sports. Normally they give us pointless fluff we don't need, and the one time the world wants to know what's going on on the sidelines, they were nowhere to be found.) Perhaps the lower leg was hanging on by a sinew. Perhaps the kneecap had shattered into bonedust. Perhaps he had an owie and needed a Band-Aid. We didn't know. All we knew is that his health, his safety, his comfort in the remaining 50 years of his life should have taken a backseat to him gritting it out and getting back on that field.

Toughness is a positive, right? We want our players to play through pain, for winning to be the only thing that matters. We do. And that's fine, even if we want that at their physical expense; football is human cockfighting. But no more pretending we give a toss about the combatants, when we — even other players, especially other players — heap criticism on them for eschewing a shot at glory for their own selfish needs like "wanting to be able to walk when they're 60."

This is why the concussion awareness the league is attempting to build is good, but insufficient. The culture of the game coming before the player is too entrenched: a warrior mentality that makes players who know they just got knocked dizzy try to hide it from their training staff. Yes, they know that going back in the game might have huge repercussions down the line. But they know that if they sit out, they will have to face their disapproving teammates in the locker room. Read about how Cutler's eyes welled with tears when told about his contemporaries' criticisms, and ask which means more to them in that moment?


Thursday, January 20, 2011


(since everyone loves to bitch and complain about me not putting capital letters, and correct punctuation in my blogs im going to attempt to do that... or maybe not. maybe you should learn how to read!)

OK.  In the spirit of the dumbest hoeliday ever... Valentines Day, let's talk about why the Kay Jewelers commercials are so ridiculous and make every guy look like a complete douche and every chick an incompetent tard, who is unable to take care of herself.

I'm going to go through a couple of commercials and we can see how dumb they are and then I'll make  fun of them! ha. Sounds like fun right?

Chick: "Oh my gosh the storm is so big and scary"
Douche: "I'll show you big and scary chick. I'm going to show you love's embrace, by buying you a stupid necklace"
Chick: "Don't let go... ever"
Douche: thinking in his head "I'M GUNNA BUTTER YOUR BREEAAADDD"


Douche: "I'm sorry my signing isn't very good yet.  I'm a little slow.  I've worked on a new one for you." (hand gesturing) "I have a little ding dong, so I'm making up for it by buying you this BULOVA watch"
Deaf Chick: "It's ok.  I've never gotten a man anyway.  Read my lips" (lips moving) "Merry Christmas, needle dick"


Dad Douche: "Happy Valentines Day honey."
Mom Chick: " Oh I love it."
Stupid little daddy douche wanna be little douche: (thinking to himself) "I'm tryna get some booboo this Valentines Day too.  I'mma make me a stupid Kay box and a stupid necklace"
Young dumb girl who thinks that a necklace is the best gift ever chick: "Oh little wanna be douche, you're so sweet.  Now let me butter yoo breaddddd"

In the words of my half retarded twin brother... "EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH GAAAYY"


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can We Talk About: Fair-Weather Fans.

"My friends cousins girlfriend is from Pittsburgh!"

Let me set up a scenario:

A good looking blond is in the bar, wearing a Dallas Cowboys Jersey on a Sunday afternoon during football season.  You start up a conversation with her, with the talk eventually coming to her jersey. 

"That a really nice Emmitt Smith jersey, he was a great player!"
"Oh.......yeah!"  (Twirls blonde hair, clearly doesn't know who Emmitt Smith is) "I got this from the store at the mall!"

"Oh yeah?  I might get one! (You hate the Cowboys) Are you from Dallas?"


"Oh, was your family from Dallas?"


Have you ever been to Dallas?"


"Have you ever been to Texas?"

"Umm...I saw pictures of it, it looks nice!"


"But I really like their uniforms!"

Their favorite player?  The guy with the long hair!!
Stop right there.  Move away from her.  Do not have sex with her.  You might have a kid with this horrible human being.  A kid you would want to leave at the mall.  I don't care how hot she looks through your beer goggles.  If that piece of trash is your best option...go to another bar.

I'm pretty sure it is illegal (or it should be) to root for a team unless one of the following are true:

1) You are from that area
2) You currently live in that area
3) Your parents or uncles are from there AND they trained you since birth to root for the team.  (That's the limit.  No "2nd cousins, twice removed")
4) You have a really good reason (You like their style of offense, You like their 3-3-5 Stack defense, You've always been a fan of the Coach, etc.)

If none of the above are true, you are a douche if you root for any of the following teams:

Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys
Boston Red Sox
New England Patriots
Boston Celtics
New York Yankees
Texas Football
Florida Gator Football
Duke Basketball (And you can't spell Coach K's last name)
Miami Heat (Come the fuck on)
LA Lakers

For the record, I root for the Washington Redskins (I live in Virginia), the Seattle Seahawks (I was born in Seattle), the Washington Huskies (My parents went there), the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets and the Navy Midshipmen (I like the flexbone-based triple option).

We all suck.  But when they eventually win something...it will be all the much sweeter.  When the Washington Huskies beat the hated USC Trojans last fall, I nearly streaked my neighborhood in sheer joy.  When your bandwagon team wins?  You try to act excited...but it had all the feelings of bad sex.  Yeah, it was good...but who gives a shit?

So if you are a  Steeler fan who has absolutely no ties to the state of Pennsylvania, please...go play marco-polo on the freeway.

Bring on the hate mail...


Sunday, January 16, 2011

A disconnect from reality....today's youth

Sorry, it's been a few days since the last blog, the three donks have been busy living the dream.  Today I'm going to hit you with something a bit deep. How our entire population is growing up with no concept of reality, and how we can stop this.

I am by no means an old timer, however growing up in the 1990s, their are some huge differences than kids today.  When I was growing up, all the kids in the neighborhood would go outside to play, we'd play capture the flag, football, hockey, rundown, baseball, our knees would get scraped pain, would be felt, life would be felt.  Sometimes we would make believe that we were superheros, or villains or a plethora of characters.  The important thing about growing up this way is that you actually use your muscles, to run jump move things, explore move.  Additionally, by reading books, playing cops and robbers or whatever it is that we did as kids, you had to use your imagination, you could imagine rocket ships, castles, whatever you wanted.  Third we interacted as a neighbourhood, we all were friends we knew each other if we wanted to meet we had to call their house ask their parents politely if johnny, or Sam could come out to play and if they could we had to meet them physically, so we could pal around.  I would say that growing up like this is the very lifeblood of childhood, whether it's in suburbia, the country or an urban environment.  Your crew is your crew you were doing things together you got to know each other you had your bumps and bruises, and you lived life to the fullest.

Flash forward 2011.....

Today, we have an enormous problem with childhood obesity, kids are staying inside watching TV all day, on the computer getting on face book, texting on cell phones playing ps3 online.  Here are the problems with that; they are not getting a clear picture of human reality, and thereby have no clue what it means to really have friends, enemies, physical pain, imagination.

When a kid today sits inside and watches TV all day (any recent study will tell you it's way to long something like 40 hours per week).  When kids do this a couple things happen, one they are exposed to thousands of commercials, advertisements, ect. which all appear in short commercials, that interrupt the TV program.  What this does is changes a child's focus rapidly from one thing to another (can you say ADHD).  Two students are watching programs that give them some sort of inflated idea about reality (Jersey Shore no one actually lives like that it's all acting, Jerry Springer same, The Real World same). So kids naturally do what they see done on the television and accept it as reality.  Next kids are not getting to use their imagination, the most powerful part of the brain.  This is the part of the brain that let's us create rockets, skyscrapers, spaceships, microwaves, facebook what have you later in life.  When someone reads a book they need to conjure up the images in their brain (or think) when someone is watching TV all they have to do is focus visually.

When a kid plays ps3 all day instead of going outside to pick up a football, basketball, baseball:

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of, little johnny wants to sit inside and play madden or a sports video game instead of going outside and actually learning how to play the game.  This does lead you to getting a bunch of kids with absolutely no concept of the game(physically), when your a coach but their is a much more serious problem that occurs.    Kids aren't getting exercise, their bodies are getting molded into some blob of fat slime instead of burning all the calories, and having kids grow up with a normal figure.  People the NFL has got to advertise to kids to get out and play. What the fuck is wrong with our society whenever we have to dedicate a public service announcement for kids to get outside and play, its just fucking sad.

When a kid texts, chats, tweets with his friends and people of the opposite gender

What do you think is happening to the social skills of today's youth with texting, let's be honest. Texting is an epidemic, and it has to be contained.  Today's youth are constantly texting one another which once again leads to more distractions (ADHD). Your sitting their doing whatever your doing, and then all of a sudden your phone goes off and you stop what your doing to text back.  Immediate gratification.  Immediate idiocracy.  Kids today are now saying and doing things via text message that they wouldn't dare do face to face.  This shit happens at thousands of schools across the US girls taking pictures of themselves and then sending it to their boyfriend, who then shows all of his guy friends(ummm....you go to jail for that shit). People threatening other people.  Which the stupidest part about both these is that when you do this and it gets in the hands of the cops or the principal it's an open and shut case.  Additionally, when things are posted on the Internet and shit like that they last forever.  Lastly,  when kids don't say things face to face but rather communicate to ten, or so friends instantly they in reality aren't communicating with anyone.

I have a strong feeling that a large percentage of the populous of this great nation feels the same way that we do.  So what's the solution?  I say that it comes down to parenting.  Their are no laws that can be passed to regulate this kind of stuff (for the most part), kids won't stop doing it because their kids and I mean come on kids will do whatever come easiest.  So America this is what you need to do, have family dinners, let your kids play, let them come home with scrapes and bruises stay involved in their life. Know who their friends are regulate inside play time. Regulate TV hours and programs. Force them to read. Have bed times. Lead by example. Dedicate time to your children. You know what they're gonna fight you every step of the way, they're gonna the uncool kid cause johnny's parents let him do whatever.  They will hate you now they will thank you later.  Kids need discipline, love and time when you make a baby you make a lifelong commitment honor it America. It's our only hope.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can we talk about....Oregon Cheer?

Shake it!!
Oregon wants...me??

Can you say...recruiting??



im feeling a little nostalgic this morning and started thinking about some of those classic tv shows that i used to stay up and watch or get up early to watch and thought id make a really good list! these are all of the ones i could think of but if  you have more good ones feel free to add to it. its fun too because you can get on youtube and watch a lot of these old episodes.

teenage mutant ninja turtles (totally, radical, pizza with anchovies)

are you afraid of the dark?
doug (patty mayonnaise!!)

rockos modern life (love the intro song)
duck tales
all that (awwww here it goeeessss!)
eureekas castle!!

captain planet (earth, fire, wind, water, heart!) i bet you didnt know lavar burton was earth!! (but dont take my word for it ha)
chip n dale rescue rangers
keenan and kel
salute your shorts
full house
pee wees playhouse (a lot of dirty things going in that house, just go back and watch some episodes)

    (yes thats lawrence fishburn)
bobbys world (dontcha know bobbyy!!)
darkwing duck (i was obsessed)
saved by the bell (do the sprain!)
ren and stimpy (i loved the close up pics) YOOU IDDDIIOTTT!!

boy meets world
dexters laboratory
legends of the hidden temple
clarissa explains it all (huge crush on melissa joan hart)
tale spin
hey dude
the fresh prince of bel air (if you cant sing the entire intro then you are certainly a whitie haha)

swat kats the radical squadron
the secret world of alex mack (tell me it wouldnt be cool to morf into liquid)
where in the world is carmen san diego? (great game for the old apple computer too)
w wild and crazy kidddsss!
double dare
ed, edd, n eddy
macgyver (love the mullet)
step by step
quantum leap
what would you do?
celebrity death match!!
american gladiators ( look up zap!)

whos the boss?
ghost writer
the addams family
tom and jerry
supermarket sweep!!!!!!!!!
johnny quest (everyone wanted to be johnny... just not HODGY haha)

the flintstones
prostars (if you dont remember that one you have to look it up!bo jackson, michael jordan, wayne gretsky)

the jerry springer show (i may or may not still like this show)

i hope you guys get a kick out of seeing these pics too. and mostly i wanted everyone to see how much better shows used to be compaired to the dumb ones today. no wonder kids are all messed up. parents dont spank their kids and they dont watch PROSTARS. they watch jersey shore (great role models btw)
